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Meteor Shower En Gold
Meteor Shower En Gold
Type | Oil Paintings > Prints,Wallpaper
Medium | Paintings > Oil
Style | Conceptual,Graphic
Subject | Decorative > Text pattern
Creation | 2021
Author | JiaHui Li
Size | W135cm x H500cm ; W53.1inches x H196.9inches
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Meteor Shower En Gold
Product Description
Mounted on a scroll at the top without any fixings or frame near the bottom, this masterpiece is a stunning beauty on fabric! Inspired by the prints used in Japanese kimonos, this painting includes a full spectrum of bright colours created by mixing the three primary colours, i.e. red, yellow and blue. It is dazzled with astonishing flowers such as cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums and peonies. The use of different textures and fringes not only creates depth, but also raises the overall aesthetic
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