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Silver Foil Painting
Silver Foil Painting
Type | All Products,Oil Paintings > Gold Foil Oil Paintings
Medium | Paintings > Mixed Media
Style | Art Deco,Realistic
Subject | Botanical & Floral > Flowers
Creation | 2014
Author | Shaobao
Size | W164cm x H204cm ; W64.6inches x H80.3inches
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Silver Foil Painting
Product Description
Shao Bao was born in Guangxi, 1974 and began painting in 2006. Shao Bao started his career working in the traditional oriental ink painting. His art work in this medium is full of beautiful, bold colours and created a calm and honest reflective mood. In 2010 Shao Bao suddenly took a new direction in style. Influenced by Zao's abstract art. He evolved his traditional ink work into a fusion of old and new techniques and thinking. Creating images that combine Chinese traditional culture with the co
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