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Washington D.C. Snow Globe
Washington D.C. Snow Globe
Type | All Products,Framed Art
Medium | Prints > Lithograph
Style | Cartoon,Graphic
Subject | Architecture > Building,Childrens > Illustrations
Creation | 2017
Author | Brian Nash
Size | W40.6cm x H40.6cm ; W16inches x H16inches
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Washington D.C. Snow Globe
Product Description
Brian Nash was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. After receiving an MBA from Dartmouth he worked as an Account Executive at the Leo Burnett ad agency in Chicago. Later Brian became the Director of Retail Marketing and Advertising for Polo Ralph Lauren in NYC when he got the urge to write country music. He moved to Nashville to become a songwriter, and has had a few dozen songs recorded. Although he couldn’t imagine loving anything more than songwriting, he discovered another love
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